Sunday, July 26, 2020

New EP out now.

A new EP, "A Song About Suicide," has been released digitally.  This track was intended as my half of a split that is no longer happening.
30 minutes.

New EP out now.

A new EP, "This Private War," has been released digitally.  A tribute to an HNW associate who is now gone.
30 minutes.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Twenty-sixth full length out now.

My twenty-sixth full-length album, "Hell Awaits," is out now on cassette through Veil Tapes.
It is very much in reference to the Slayer album.
60 minutes.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A Future of Meaningless Tomorrows/Eugene Critchley split out now.

A split with A Future of Meaningless Tomorrows has been released.  The physical versions are gone, but the split is available digitally.
30 minutes.